
Our 2024 calendar is open for bookings. Please email if you would like us to perform at your next event.

"Mum came back to her old self at the concert, happy and joyful" Audience member at Waterford Place Retirement Home 


Saturday 24th February, 3pm, Chippenham Fringe February 2024, The Buttercross, Market Place, Chippenham. 

Tuesday 27th February, 7pm, Waterford Place, Chippenham (private event)

Saturday 27th April, Calne Big Spring Sing, various venues within Calne Town Centre 

Friday 24th May,  1.45pm Chippenham Folk Festival, Island Park, Chippenham 

Saturday 5th October, times TBC, Eco Future Fest 2024, Neeld Community & Arts Centre, Chippenham


Saturday 25th March, Calne Spring Sing, various times and venues within Calne Town Centre. 

Saturday 22nd April, Concert alongside Gospel Rocks! and Lingmara choirs in aid of the charity, 7pm doors for 7.30pm start, St Andrew's Church, Chippenham,

Saturday 17th June, Chippenham Pride, 12.30pm, The Buttercross, Market Place, Chippenham.

Sunday 6th August, 1.30pm, John Coles Park for the park's centenary celebrations

Tuesday 21st November, 6.45pm, Flowers Manor Care Home, Chippenham (private)

Tuesday 5th December, 11am, Pewsham WI Christmas Party, King Alfred's Hall, Chippenham (private)

Saturday 9th December, 3.30-5.30pm, Christmas Carols & Afternoon Tea, Sheldon Road Methodist Church, Chippenham.

Tuesday 19th December, Westonbirt Arboretum Enchanted Christmas event. Sets start at 5:45pm and 7pm. 

Wednesday 20th December, 3pm, Age UK Chippenham Branch, Kingsley Community Hall, Chippenham (private)


Saturday 12th February, 11am-5pm, Sweet Soul Music Singalong, Neeld Community and Arts Centre, Chippenham.

Sunday 30th April, 3-4:30pm, Afternoon Tea for friends and family, old and new, Sheldon road Methodist Church, Chippenham

Sunday 19th June, 12noon, Kington Langley Scarecrow Festival.   

Sunday 31st July, 1:30pm, Middlewick House Open Gardens in Aid of Wiltshire Air Ambulance 

Saturday 10th September, 7.30-10.30pm, Private Event to celebrate our tenth anniversary. 

Tuesday 6th December, 11am, Pewsham WI Christmas Party

Tuesday 13th December, 7.30pm, Bowles Court, Chippenham

Saturday 17th December, 12noon, Sheldon Road Methodist Christmas Community Lunch, Chippenham


Tuesday 23rd February at 7:30pm - Virtual Zoom event with a Music Hall theme. 

Tuesday 30th March, 7.30pm - Virtual Zoom event with a Musicals theme.  

Tuesday 18th May, 7:30pm - virtual event via Zoom with a Sounds of the Seventies theme.

Tuesday 18th May, 7:30pm - virtual event via Zoom with a Sounds of the Seventies theme.

Sunday 22nd August - Cherished Vehicle and Family Fun Day  being run by Chippenham Lions at Meadow Farm Nurseries, Langely Burrell.

Saturday 13th November, 7.30pm - Allsorts and Sassparella Concert at Sheldon School,Chippenham. Postpone due to Covid

During December we also performed for a private event held by Chippenham Museum and another at Azimghur Barracks Colerne.

Saturday 4th December - Westonbirt Arboretum Christmas Lights event. Sets start at 5:45pm and 7pm. 

Sunday 5th December - Community Christmas Sunday, Neeld Community & Arts Centre, 11am-3pm

Sunday 19th December, The Kingfisher pub, Chippenham from 5pm. 


As we couldn't perform live this year, we recorded our own lockdown video to our own 'Allsorts Anthem' ' in 2020  Click

Monday 19th October 2020 thru to Saturday 2nd January 2021 - Our lockdown video was part of the 'The New Normal: Collecting Covid'   Exhibition at Chippenham Museum.

 Since 2013 we have performed at many local venues including village and school summer & Christmas fairs, the Calne Spring Sings, and Westonbirt Arboretum. Our choir was one of the first to perform at the newly re-furbished Neeld Hall where we performed with the internationally renowned classical quartet Vida and raised funds for the Wiltshire children’s hospice Julia’s House. Occasionally we travel further afield for events – we have been to the Community Choir Convention held at St George’s in Bristol, and Chorus Festivals at The South Bank in London. We also join with other local choirs for performances and, on occasion, go along to support them as part of their audience.